Enterprise Resource Planning

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Enterprise Resource Planning

Online enterprise resource planning software that meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2009

  • Central database of information important for business administration
  • Unified working environment for communication between employees and customers
  • Core business process automation and streamlining administrative tasks
  • Planning and sharing important terms and work results
  • Quick and convenient searching for information
  • Source of materials for identifying customers’ needs and strategic planning


Customers (CRM)

  • Address book of customers, suppliers and business partners
  • Call center
  • Business documentation records
  • Planning and sharing important dates
  • Synchronization of calendar with Outlook
  • E-mail sending and receiving
  • Planning marketing activities


  • Creating quotes and managing jobs
  • Product catalog and pricelist administration
  • Issuing and accepting orders and monitoring performance
  • Generating acceptance reports
  • Handling complaints and internal discrepancies


  • Creating and approving tasks
  • Records of internal documents and guidelines
  • Sending internal messages and notifications
  • Message download from data box
  • Hardware and software administration
  • Records for copiers and printing
  • Reservation system
  • Vehicle logbook and fleet management


  • Regular and electronic billing (ISDOC)
  • Approval and payment of incoming invoices
  • Paid invoices automatically marked
  • Bank
  • Cashdesk
  • Other receivables and payables
  • Financial planning and statistics


  • Stock records
  • Issuing GRN, GDN and stock transfer
  • Inventory creation

Human Resources

  • Entering timesheets
  • Making and approving vacation requests
  • Employee records
  • Planning training and employee education