Web presentation content management

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Web presentation content management

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1. Basic features of websites

1.1. Template

  • The basis of the website is a template – the website “Default.aspx” – processed according to the supplied graphic design. The template is filled with data from the NET Genium information portal depending on the identifier that is passed to the template using a parameter in the URL, and is generally called a website identifier. The template can be divided into sections resp. can display information in several columns, for example. The usual situation is the main section (it has the largest dimension in terms of width) and the narrower left or right section, which is often used to display news or information that needs to be highlighted graphically.

1.2. Full-text search

  • The template contains input fields that are used to enter search terms. By default, all database tables intended for web content management are searched and search results are displayed on the “Default.aspx?Search” website in the form of text links together with the surroundings of the search term. Search terms are logged in the database for statistics.

1.3. Website language support

  • The template may contain links to different language versions of the website. Before processing the graphic design, it is necessary to specify the list of language versions that the website will use.

1.4. Menu

  • Depending on the graphic design and customer requirements, the menu is usually displayed horizontally at the top of the website or vertically in a separate column on the left. Picture menu items are usually fixed and can only be changed by interacting with the template. These menus are often only one-level. On the contrary, menu items in text form are dynamically loaded from the database and these menus are often multi-level. In terms of design, we recommend choosing a menu in graphical form and inserting less important links directly into the body of the website. The menu can contain both internal and external links.

1.5. Web map

  • The site map is generated automatically in the form of a tree with links to individual presentation websites. The site map can also be used as an alternative to a completely expanded menu.

1.6. Statistics

  • The movement of the visitor through the web presentation is automatically logged in the database for statistics. The environment for displaying statistical outputs is part of the web content management application in the NET Genium information portal and contains:
  • Numerical data on website traffic in individual days, weeks, months, etc.,
  • the number and list of websites viewed per visit,
  • list of search terms and
  • information about the website from which the visitor was redirected to the website.

The condition for displaying graphs in the NET Genium information portal is the purchase of the Office Chart extension. Statistical outputs and graphs can be individually edited or created directly in the administration interface of the NET Genium information portal.

2. Website content management

2.1. Website

  • Web content management, i.e. website creation and editing takes place in a web content management application. This application is integrated into the NET Genium information portal as the basic application environment. Individual websites are registered in the form of data records and to capture their hierarchical arrangement are displayed in a tree structure. This structure may not affect the content of the menu, but it is important, for example, for generating a site map. The content of the website itself is in text form and can contain a number of tags that are used to format text, insert images, animations, etc. The final appearance of the website is displayed to the visitors of the website through a dynamic template.

2.2. Website parameters


  • Websites that are not marked as active are not displayed


  • System web pages do not appear in the site map and are not searched in full text


  • Language version of the website


  • Website title
  • Specifies the content of the tag <h1>
  • Appears as the title of a web page link


  • Website title
  • Specifies the content of the tag <title> – appears in the title bar of the Internet browser window and on the Windows taskbar as the application name
  • Appears as a title in search engines
  • It is a priority when the site is indexed by search engines


  • Unique website identifier
  • Used as part of the website's web address (e.g., calendar-event or Products.aspx)
  • Must not contain a space; The identifier composed of the website name cannot contain a space or a slash
  • The same website may have a common identifier in different language versions, named for example in English

Website type and content

  • Website content can be entered in either formatted or plain text. A simple text editor with all the basic functions for working with text is used to enter formatted text. The source code of the formatted text is stored in HTML, which can also be modified directly by editing or entering HTML tags. Formatted text allows you to display images in the text that are stored in the NET Genium information portal.
  • However, in general, we strongly recommend that you enter website content as plain text. Here, special tags are used to format the text, the origin of which is based on the proven online encyclopedia Wikipedia. Websites formatted in this way cannot contain syntax errors in the code, which can, for example, be the cause of poor rankings by web crawlers designed to index pages for full-text search engines (Google, Seznam, etc.).

Tips for working with formatted text:

  • “ENTER” key: insert a newline transition in the current paragraph
  • “SHIFT + ENTER” key: insert a new paragraph
  • “Insert image” icon: insert image
  • “Insert link” icon: insert a link to a web page
  • “Clear formatting” icon: remove formatting in selected text
  • “HTML mode” check box: text editing using HTML
  • “Plain text” button: remove formatting in selected text

Tags designed for plain text formatting are described in the next chapter.


  • Website content description
  • Specifies the content of the tag <meta name="DESCRIPTION" content="">
  • Google lists this description when it contains a search term


  • Comma-separated list of keywords
  • Specifies the content of the tag <meta name="KEYWORDS" content="">
  • Keywords are only relevant for internal search engines such as Atomz, Google's most important search engines, and the Keyword List are ignored

3. Formatting marks

3.1. Insert link…

  • Clicking on this link will display a tree structure of the website. Here you can select the page to which a link should be inserted in the text (at the cursor position).

3.2. New section: ––––

  • Section separator on the page. It is used, for example, to separate the content of the narrower left and wider right columns of a web page.


Brand location: on a separate line; to increase clarity, we recommend leaving the previous and next lines blank


The NET Genium information portal is used every day by thousands of users for their daily work in manufacturing companies, state institutions, software and telecommunications companies, consulting and training centers ...
==Portal Builder ==
NET Genium – a web-based application development framework – allows you to build web applications and entire portals, integrate existing data, and manage processes several times faster than ever before. The most common type of web application created in the NET Genium framework is the information and communication portal.

3.3. New paragraph: blank line

  • One blank line or several blank lines are used to separate individual paragraphs.

3.4. Line break: ++

Brand location : at the end of the line; the placement of the mark on a separate line or just before it is incorrect, a blank line is used to separate paragraphs; ++ is the HTML tag equivalent <br>

3.5. Line break for floating objects: +++

Brand location: at the end of the line

3.6. |Centered text|

  • To insert centered text, place a vertical bar in front of and behind the text.

Brand location: on a separate line; to increase clarity, we recommend leaving the following line blank

3.7. '''Bold text'''

  • To text highlight in bold, place three apostrophes before and after the text. The apostrophe ' has the code 39 (press the ALT key with your left hand and type 39 on the numeric keypad – after releasing the ALT key, the apostrophe will appear; you will also get the apostrophe character by pressing the right Alt key and the backslash at the same time).

Brand location: arbitrarily in the text

3.8. ''Italics''

  • To text highlight in italics, place two apostrophes before and after the text. The apostrophe ' has the code 39 (press the ALT key with your left hand and type 39 on the numeric keypad – after releasing the ALT key, the apostrophe will appear; you will also get the apostrophe character by pressing the right Alt key and the backslash at the same time).

Brand location: arbitrarily in the text

3.9. '''''Bold italics'''''

  • To highlight text with combinations bold text and italics, place five apostrophes before and after the text. The apostrophe ' has the code 39 (press the ALT key with your left hand and type 39 on the numeric keypad – after releasing the ALT key, the apostrophe will appear; you will also get the apostrophe character by pressing the right Alt key and the backslash at the same time).

Brand location: arbitrarily in the text

3.10. ""Quoted text""

  • To insert “enclosed in quotation marks” text, place two double quotation marks before and after the text.

Brand location: arbitrarily in the text

3.11. == Second level heading ==

  • To insert a second-level heading, place two equal signs and a space before the title title, followed by a space and two equal signs after the title title.

Brand location: on a separate line; to increase clarity, we recommend leaving the following line blank

3.12. === Third level heading ===

  • To insert a third-level heading, place three equal signs and a space before the title heading, followed by a space and three equal signs after the title heading.

Brand location: on a separate line; to increase clarity, we recommend leaving the following line blank

3.13. ==== Fourth level heading ====

  • To insert a fourth level heading, place four equal signs and a space before the title heading, followed by a space and four equal signs after the title heading.

Brand location: on a separate line; to increase clarity, we recommend leaving the following line blank

3.14. ===== Fifth level heading =====

  • To insert a fifth-level heading, place five equals and a space before the title, followed by a space, and five equal signs after the title.

Brand location: on a separate line; to increase clarity, we recommend leaving the following line blank

3.15. Links: [[Destination address Link title|parameters]]

  • The destination address can be:
  • The identifier of the website in your website,
  • the exact address (URL) of the website or
  • email address.
  • If you want to place a link to a web page in your website whose identifier you know, use e.g.
    [[sitemap Sitemap]].
  • To place a link to a webpage on the Internet, provide the exact address (URL) of the webpage, such as [[http://www.google.com Google]].
  • To place a tooltip link on a webpage on the Internet that opens in a new window, use, for example,
    [[ http://www.google.cz Google|target="_blank",title=" Google Search Engine"]].
  • To place a link to an email address, enter the email address directly instead of the identifier, e.g. [[info@netgenium.com]].

Brand location: arbitrarily in the text

3.16. Lists

  • Lists are marked at the beginning of the line with the symbol * for unnumbered bullets, or the symbol # for numbered lists. The number of symbols (* or #) is determined by the sublevel of the list.

Tag placement: each list item on a separate line



* Heading 1
** Subheading 1.1
** Subheading 1.2
* Heading 2
* Heading 3
# Numbered Heading 1
## Numbered Subheading 1.1
## Numbered Subheading 1.2
# Numbered Heading 2
# Numbered Heading 3

3.17. Tables

  • Tables are mainly used to format (layout) the text on the page. Tables can be entered in simple syntax using the “|” characters, or extended Wiki syntax. Tables can also be inserted via HTML tags, <table>, <tr> and <td>.

3.17.1. Simple syntax

Tag placement: each row of the table on a separate row


| Row 1, Cell 1 | Row 1, Cell 2 |
| Row 2, Cell 1 | Row 2, Cell 2 |

3.17.2. Extended syntax

see help in Wikipedia encyclopedia Czech (brief),English (complete)...

3.18. Anchor: [[Anchor:Anchor Name]]

  • The anchor is the equivalent of an HTML tag <a name="Anchor name "></a>. The anchor can be referenced, e.g.
    [[mapa-webu#kotva1 Kliknutím zde přeskočíte na další odstavec…]].

Brand location: arbitrarily in the text

3.19. Map: [[Map:Map ID]]

  • Maps and their associated map locations are stored in the “Maps” application on your NET Genium portal (maps are not a standard part of the web content management application).

Brand location: arbitrarily in the text

3.20. Google Map: [[MapaGoogle:Adresa|width="500",

  • If you want to place a Google map view, including the icon of your place on the map, enter the address of your place (street, descriptive number, city or state). The “width” and “height” parameters determine the width and height of the viewport in pixels, the “zoom” parameter defines the default scale of the map, and the “lat” and “lng” parameters determine the latitude and longitude of the marked place. If you don't know the latitude and longitude of your place, first use [[GoogleMap:Address]] to find the coordinates of the place from Google's database based on the address you entered. Google Map is the HTML tag equivalent of <div> and in addition to width and height it can also contain other parameters, e.g.: [[GoogleMap:Address|width="500",height="300",zoom="4",lat="50,089075",lng="14,396397", ++float="right"]].

Brand location: arbitrarily in the text

3.21. Web map: [[Object:WebWeb]]

  • The MapWeb object displays the hierarchical structure of all web pages in the same language version.

Brand location: arbitrarily in the text

3.22. Picture: [[Image:Destination address]]

  • To place an image taken from another website on the Internet, enter the exact address (URL) of the image instead of the destination address. The image is the equivalent of an HTML tag <img src="Destination address"> and can contain parameters, such as [[Image: www.netgenium.com/apple-icon.png | width="170", height="184"]].

Brand location: arbitrarily in the text

3.23. Attachment: [[Attachment:Attachment ID]]

  • Attachments are stored in the web content management application on the “Attachments” view page. Attachments most often include images used in the text and documents that are offered for download on the website. In case of inserting a new image attachment, the user is prompted to enter additional information:
  • Attachment: file attachment or image
  • Detail: large image – will be displayed after clicking on the image preview, which is located in the control “Attachment”
  • Caption: the caption is displayed when the mouse cursor hovers over the link or image
  • Alignment: align the image with the surrounding text that wraps around the image
  • Width: image width
  • Height: image height
  • Up: width of the upper edge
  • Down: bottom margin width
  • Left: width of the left margin
  • Right: width of the right margin

A web presentation can also contain images that are part of a template and are therefore stored on the server disk in the same directory as the web presentation itself and its template. In this case, it is possible to refer to the images using a tag such as [[Image:../images/logo.gif]].

Brand location: arbitrarily in the text

3.24. Frame: [[Frame:Destination address|width="100",height="100"]]

  • To place an iframe on a webpage and load another webpage into it, enter the exact address (URL) of that webpage instead of the destination address. The frame is the equivalent of an HTML tag <iframe src="Destination"> and may contain other parameters in addition to width and height.

Brand location: arbitrarily in the text

3.25. Video: [[Video:Destination address|width="100",height="100"]]

  • To place a video downloaded from another website on the Internet, enter the exact address (URL) of the video instead of the destination address. The video can contain other parameters in addition to width and height.

Brand location: arbitrarily in the text