Manual in PDF format

1. Script Designer


1.1. Enter the command…

  • A drop-down list with a selection of the type of command that will be inserted into the script at the selected location.
  • A detailed description of the commands is given in the separate Administrators Guide.
  • 1. Declare a variable
  • 2. Add a value from the query
  • 3. Save the variable back to the database
  • 4. Add multiple values from the query
  • 5. Cycle
  • 6. Add a value
  • 7. If (expression) assign a value
  • 8. If (composite expression) assign a value
  • 9. Go to the line
  • 10. If (expression) go to the line
  • 11. If (compound expression) go to the line
  • 12. Raise Exception (Interrupt)
  • 13. If (expression) raise an exception
  • 14. If (compound expression) raise an exception
  • 15. Send email
  • 16. If (expression) send an e-mail
  • 17. If (compound expression) send e-mail
  • 18. Delete entry
  • 19. If (expression) delete the record
  • 20. If (compound expression) delete the record
  • 21. New record
  • 22. If (expression) a new record
  • 23. If (compound expression) a new record
  • 24. Save the value to the database
  • 25. If (expression) store the value…
  • 26. If (compound expression) store the value…
  • 27. Store multiple values in a database
  • 28. If (expression) save more…
  • 29. If (compound expression) save more…
  • 30. Comment

1.2. Variables

  • Drop-down list with a selection of variables that will be available in the script for storing values. These variables can be used on individual lines of the script.
  • A detailed description of the variables is given in the separate Variables manual.

1.3. Functions

  • Drop-down list with a selection of server functions that can be called on individual lines of the script.
  • A detailed description of the server functions is given in the separate Server functions manual.

1.4. Values

  • A drop-down list with a selection of database control identifiers that can be used on individual lines of the script.

1.5. Dictionary

  • The dictionary displays a list of comments and interrupts used across all scripts throughout the application that relate to the following types of commands:
    • The “message” parameter of the “SCHEDULEBACK” server function in the script comment
    • The “message” parameter of the “TEFUIG” server function in the script comment
    • The “message” parameter of the “TESUIG” server function in the script comment
    • The “message” parameter of the “WRITEMESSAGE” server function in the script comment
    • Script abort
  • Dictionary search is used to design the correct form of user messages and to maintain the consistency of nomenclature throughout the application.

1.6. Change tracking

  • Change tracking displays a detailed report with all script changes made by individual users.

1.7. Run script

  • The “Run script” button is used to run the script in test mode.
  • Running a script simulates the progress of script processing, but does not store any values in the database or delete any records from the database.
  • External functions called from the script in test mode are not executed – the value “true” in the “test” parameter is passed to the external function:
using System;

namespace NETGenium
public class ExternalFunctions
public static string ngef(string id, string[] args, bool test, DbCommand cmd, DbConnection conn)
if (test) return "";

switch (id)
// case "MyFirstFunction": return MyFirstFunction();
default: return conn == null ? "" : conn.ExternalFunctionNotFound(id, cmd);