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1. Basic information

1.1. Description of the control


Each edit form automatically contains an “ActionButtons” control, which consists of three basic buttons needed to work with the form – “Save”, “Delete” and “Back”.

2. List of tabs in the control settings dialog

  • General – Setting general properties
  • Save – Save button settings
  • Delete – “Delete” button settings
  • Back – “Back” button settings

2.1. “General” tab


2.1.1. Options

  • Hide “Save” button
    • Checking this box determines whether the “Save” button should be hidden in the edit form.
  • Hide “Delete” button
    • Checking this box determines whether the “Delete” button should be hidden in the edit form.
  • Hide “Back” button
    • Checking this box determines whether the “Back” button should be hidden in the edit form.
  • Show “Save and continue editing” button
    • Checking this box determines whether the “Save and continue editing” button should be displayed in the edit form.
  • Show “Save and new” button
    • Checking this box determines whether the “Save and New” button should be displayed in the edit form.
    • The button text can be set to custom.

2.1.2. OnAfterOpen

  • A script that is executed when the record is opened in an edit form.

2.2. “Save” tab


2.2.1. JavaScript

  • The name of the function without a semicolon at the end, which starts when the “Save” button is pressed.
  • If the return value of the function is “true”, the server script “OnBeforeSave” is executed.
  • If the return value of the function is “false”, the server script “OnBeforeSave” will not be executed and the record will not be saved.

2.2.2. OnBeforeSave

  • A script that is executed before the record is saved to the database.

2.2.3. OnAfterSave

  • A script that is executed after the record is saved to the database.

2.2.4. OnBeforeOpen

  • A script that is executed before a new record is opened in the edit form.
  • The “OnBeforeOpen” script is executed after pressing the “Save and new” button in the edit form.

2.3. “Delete” tab


2.3.1. JavaScript

  • The name of the function without a semicolon at the end, which starts when the “Delete” button is pressed.
  • If the return value of the function is “true”, the server script “OnBeforeDelete” is executed.
  • If the return value of the function is “false”, the server script “OnBeforeDelete” will not be executed and the record will not be deleted.

2.3.2. Options

  • Always allow deleting to the owner or co-owner of the record
    • Checking this box determines whether the record owner or co-owner should be allowed to delete the record, regardless of the existence of other controls on the form to which the record owner or co-owner does not have the right.

2.3.3. OnBeforeDelete

  • A script that is executed before deleting a record from the database.

2.3.4. OnAfterDelete

  • A script that is executed after deleting a record from the database.

2.4. “Back” tab


2.4.1. JavaScript

  • The name of the function without a semicolon at the end, which starts when the “Back” button is pressed.
  • If the return value of the function is “true”, the user is redirected back to the place from which the edit form with the currently open record was called.
  • If the return value of the function is “false”, the user will not be redirected back.

3. Examples

3.1. Javascript functions

  • attachEvent2(window, 'load', function() { var o = el('btSave'); if (o != null) = 'none'; });
  • attachEvent2(window, 'load', function() { var o = el('btDelete'); if (o != null) = 'none'; });
  • attachEvent2(window, 'load', function() { var o = el('btBack'); if (o != null) = 'none'; });