In this paragraph you will learn:
- Create a new goods delivery note,
- add an item to the goods delivery note,
- issue a bank receipt,
- issue goods delivery note,
- create a print template.
Creating a new goods delivery note
In the open application, select the INVENTORY module from the menu bar. From the frame in the left part of the window, click on the item Goods delivery notes. A list of current foods delivery notes will be displayed (if you have not entered any yet, the list will be empty). In this list, you can edit already entered GDN by clicking on the icon with a pencil next to each of them. For more, see section Stocks records and monitoring of signal quantity in inventory.
You can create a new goods delivery note by clicking on the New goods delivery note button. In the subsequently opened window, you can select the properties of the new GDN.
Items marked with an asterisk are mandatory and must be completed. These are:
- Business unit... the accounting unit under which invoices can be issued are set in the Settings application of the FINANCE module.
- Currency... from the drop-down menu, you select the currency in which the GDN will be invoiced, it is set to be added
- Date... date of issuance of the GDN (it is advantageous to use the attached calendar to enter the date and time).
The meaning of other items is as follows:
- Friendly name... enter a name that will easily identify the dispensation in the GDN view window.
- Employee... the employee of the stock to whom the goods from the stock were issued.
- Stock... from the drop-down menu, select the stock from which the goods from the delivery will be removed. You can create and edit a list of Stocks in the Stocks view window.
- Stock clerk... currently logged in user processing the GDN.
- Contract
… if the GDN is tied to a contract, it can be assigned to it by picker. The Picker window with contracts will open, from which you can click to link the contract to the GDN, or edit the contract. (For more on creating and editing contracts, see section Store.) You can cancel the assignment of the GDN to the order by pressing the Delete button.
In the next section Customer you identify the supplier of the goods by filling in the following fields:
- Costumer... you can enter it either directly by writing it or by clicking on on the magnifying glass icon - Select a costumer from the address book
. If you choose the second option, a list of your customers and customers will be displayed. The costumer can then be selected from it by clicking, the pencil icon again means that the given contact can be selected to edit. - Identification number, VAT number... the customer's inventory number can be entered again either by writing it directly, or (for example, if you don't know it) via the ARES database, which you can start by clicking on the question mark icon. There you will also find the VAT number.
In the next section, you can enter the customer's contact address. This can be useful if the customer has multiple contact addresses and you want to select a specific one. If you want this address to be present on the GDN, you must first check the field Customer address, which will make this part active. If you selected a customer from the list of a previously established customer, the fields Street, Zip code, City and Customer's ID will be filled, which is actually his serial number in the list of customers. These data can be changed after clicking on the icon Select postcode, city and state from the list of municipalities..., which will display a window with additional customer contacts. Select one by clicking on its name.
Adding an item to the goods delivery note
This is followed by adding items to the goods delivery note. This can be done in two ways.
- Through the list of stock items. Enter the number of pieces of the given item, enter the number in the Add item field and click on the button Add item to note... The Picker window will open with the currently registered items in the stock. Click on a selected item in the list to add that species to the GDN.
- By scanning the barcode. Click in the Barcode field and scan the product's barcode with the scanner. Then click the button Add an item with the selected barcode..., which will bring up a window with the goods that have this barcode. Click on the selected item to add it to the list.
You can check the selected dispensing items in the two attached tables: Goods delivery note items and Summary of items.
These tables differ primarily in that, while the second represents a summary of all items of the GDN, the first contains a breakdown of individual types of goods (by number of pieces). In the first table, you can also add barcodes to individual pieces and add their purchase and sale price. If you change the price, update the content of the table by pressing the Update button. You also have the option (by clicking on the icon with a pencil next to the GDN item) to edit individual GDN items in more detail in the window that appears after clicking on the pencil icon. There are several fields in it that must be filled in (Quantity), others (Bar code, Serial number, Unit purchase price, Purchase price, Sales price) are optional. The meaning of the buttons below the window is already obvious:
- Save... you save the given attachment to the dispenser and return to the Dispenser item window.
- Delete... is active, if you edit an existing attachment, use this button to delete it.
- Back... you return to the Dispensing Item window without making any changes.
- Save and New... saves the given attachment and reopens the attachment window to define a new attachment.
You can attach any number of attachments to a given dispenser. All of them will be displayed in the table Attachments to the disbursement item in the Disbursement Item window. Any attachment can be edited if you click on the pencil icon next to its name.
Release the items from stock
In the section Options you will find the following functions:
- Stock release... if the goods from the GDN have already been issued from the stock, this fact can be registered in the system by checking this field. The given GDN will then no longer be marked as pending in the list of goods delivery notes. If this checkbox is inactive, the GDN has already been issued.
- Cancel stock release... if you want to cancel an issued GDN (you can recognize it in the list of goods delivery notes by being marked with a green rectangle), you can do so by checking this box. If this field is inactive, the disbursement has not been issued and therefore cannot be cancelled.
Creating a print template
As the last part of this window, there is an option to create a printout for PDF. You only need to press the button Print goods delivery note, which will show the inscription in the form of Print goods delivery note.pdf (file size). Click on this inscription to open the PDF file with the illustrated dispensing.
With the Save button, you confirm the entry of the GDN into the list of goods delivery notes and you will be redirected to the preview window of Goods delivery notes. Use the Delete button to delete the currently open GDN, the Back button is used to return to the list of goods delivery notes without saving, and if you want to save the unfinished GDN in its current form (and work on it later), press the button Save and continue editing.
Transfer items between stocks
... is realized through the form Stock transfers in the Inventory application. So, if you want to restock an item(s) (i.e. move from one stock to another), click on the Stock transfers view page in the Inventory module. This will provide you with an overview of all transfers that have been implemented, canceled or are pending in the past. (Individual cases are recognizable by the different coloring of the field to the left of the pencil icon in each line of the list). To edit an existing record, click the pencil icon for that record. If you intend to make a new stock transfer, click the New stock transfer button. In both cases, you call up the Stock transfer form, with the help of which the transfer can be made. We will now discuss its content in more detail.
Similar to other forms, some items here are marked with an asterisk, which warns you that filling in the given item is mandatory. In this form they are:
- From stock, To stock... select the stock from which you want to transfer and the stock to which the item should be transferred from the drop-down menu.
- Date... enter the transfer entry date from the calendar (or manually).
The Transferred and Stock clerk fields are filled in automatically.
- Friendly name... give the stock transfer a suitable name so that it is easily searchable in the stock transfer list.
- Contract... if the given item is associated with a contract and you want to assign it to it, press this button and select the corresponding one from the list of contracts. (Can be deleted later.)
In the next section, you add items to the list of stock transfer items. So all of them must be in the stock that you selected from the drop-down menu From stock, and if they have the status Active (i.e. their minimum and maximum limit is followed, if specified), the number of restocked pieces (or other measuring units) of the item from the stock must not cause the number of pieces of goods in the source stock to fall below this limit (otherwise the restocking will not be carried out).
In the Add Item field, enter the number of pieces of a certain item you want to convert. Next, press the button Add item to note...
Make sure that you have created a stock card for the given stock item at the target stock. For now, save the transfer form (click the Save button) and look for the stock item you want to restock in the Inventory items view page. Click on the pencil icon and in the Inventory items form that opens, check in the Stock cards table whether a stock card has been created for the given item and the given stock. If it is not in the source or destination stock, a card must be created in that stock. You do this by selecting the appropriate stock from the drop-down menu (available stokcs are defined in the Warehouses form, which can be accessed via the Warehouses preview page) and pressing the Create stock card button. This creates a stock card for the item in the selected stock, which you are informed about by a new entry in the stock cards table.
Go back to the transfer form again – open the Stock tranfers view page and select the relevant transfer in the list of stock transfers (use the date of creation and the description of the stock transfer as a hint). Click on the pemcil icon to launch the form you left a moment ago. In it you can edit all the data and add more items to restock. You update the table of transfer items by pressing the Update button. Once you have filled out the form, press the Save button. If you want the restocking to be carried out immediately within the system, check the Transfer box beforehand. This will make the transfer appear in the list of transfers as trasferred (it will have a green field on the left edge of the table). However, the transfer can be canceled either temporarily (you call up the form again and check the field Cancel transfer) or permanently (you press the button Delete at the bottom of the form).
If you have the option Use bar codes activated (in the form Basic settings), you must specify for each stock item which piece of the given item will be restocked. If you have it available, you can use a reader to read its barcode into the Barcode field and after pressing the Add an item with the selected barcode button, select the item in the Picker. If you don't physically have the piece with you and you don't know its barcode (which you would add to the table stock tranfer items), the situation is a bit more complicated. Save the stock transfer form and in the Goods received notes view page, look for the goods received note with which you received the goods into the stock. Open it and look for the piece in the Goods received note items table. Click on the pencil icon in the record line to open the Goods received note items form. From the Bar code field, copy the barcode of the item in question. Then insert it into the stock tranfers items table. If you accidentally deleted the goods received note, all is not lost. You will most likely find the item in question in the Stock book view window. This window contains all records of all movements in the stock (receipts, realeses, restocking) and it is very likely that you will find a record associated with the given item here (for example, as a receipt), but this window is somewhat less clear (due to the number of records).
The stock trasfer can also be visualized in PDF format (and possibly saved for later use). In the Options section, click the Print stock transfer button. After processing, information about the created print set will be displayed at the very bottom – it is in the form Stock tranfer number of stock tranfer.pdf (size in kB). If you click on this generated link, the converter will open in PDF format.