Video tutorial

Tutorial content:

  • Example of creating a record of a new stock transfers
  • Example of adding items to the stock transfer
  • Example of transfer to stock
  • Example of cancellation of transfer to stock

1. Create stock transfer

From the INVENTORY module, click on the item Stock transfers in the left navigation bar, and then click on the button New stock transfer in the open view window. In the open edit form, fill in the friendly name of the stock transfer, check the field From stock and fill in the field To stock. Next, we check the currency, business unit and date of issue. We define whether the transfer of items is connected to a certain Contract, if so, we select the relevant contract using the picker.

2. Creat stock transfer items

In the Stock transfer items section, we then define the items and their number that are transferred from a certain stock (we therefore add the number of items within the already existing stock card, if such a card does not exist, the items cannot be transferred). In the Add item field, fill in the number of issued items, click on the picker and select the appropriate Stock item. The result will be the creation of a new transfer item in the number determined by us in advance.

3. Transfer from stock

We can create several such items for the converter. Once we are done, we can check the box Transfer. After checking this box and saving the record, the transfer items will be converted.

4. Cancellation

If we wish to retroactively cancel the transfer of items from the stock, but not delete the stock transfer record, just open the given stock transfer and check the field Cancel transfer.