Video tutorial
Tutorial content:
- Creation of an assembly followed by the creation of a stock card for the assembly
- Creating a goods received note with an assembly
- Creation of a goods delivery note with an assembly
1. Create report
In the INVENTORY application group, select the Settings category. On the page, we click on the New inventory item button. In the form, we check the Assembly field, which will make it an assembly. We fill in the item, the unit of measure and also the category. In order to record the state of the assembly in the stock, it is necessary to create a stock card. So we click on the Stock cards, assembly components and accessories tab. In order to assign the desired items to the assembly, we click on the New component button. Here we select the desired inventory item using the picker and save the record. If he needs to attach additional inventory items to the assembly, we will do so in the same manner. We can also fill in the quantity for the inventory item. Now we select the Stock in which we want to register the assembly, and click on the Create stock cards button. At the end, we click on the Save button.
2. Create goods received note
We will create the goods received note in exactly the same way as for any other item. The only difference is that if we add an assembly, all the items contained in the assembly will be added to the goods received note items. So we click on Goods received notes in the left navigation bar, and then click on the New goods received note button on the page. In the form, we fill in the friendly name of the goods received note, check the currency, business unit and date of issue. We can also assign the goods received note to a certain contract using the picker. We assign supplier data in the same way. In the Add item field, use the picker to select the item that we want to add to the goods received note. Finally, we click on the Stock receipt button.
3. Create goods delivery note
To create a goods delivery note, click on Goods delivery notes in the left navigation bar, and then click on the New goods delivery note button on the page. In the form, we fill in the friendly name of the goods delivery note, check the currency, business unit and date of issue. We can also assign a goods delivery note to a certain contract using the picker. We assign customer data in the same way. In the Add item field, use the picker to select the item that we want to add to the goods delivery note. Finally, we click on the Stock release button.