NET Genium ERP - Printers and print reports, Bookings

In the previous article NET Genium ERP – Internal news and IT administration we got acquainted with internal news/announcements and also with the corporate IT management system – hardware software.

We will now focus on the management of corporate publications, bookings and logbooks within the Organisation module. These instructions, together with links to explanations of the terms used, can also be viewed online on the website

Printers and print reports

The printers and print reports application is used to keep track of the company's printing devices and the prints that are performed on them. It determines their price list and thus the total cost of individual copies and assigns them to the corresponding orders as needed.

1st step – Create printers

The first step in using this application is to create company printer records. In the upper gray bar, click on the application group “Organisation”, in the left navigation bar on the application “Printers and print reports”, then on the view page “Printers” and here on the button “New printer”. Fill in the required information and save the record in the open edit form of the new printer record. Once we have created enough records with the printers, we can move on to creating a print price list.

2nd step – Create costs of printing

Select the “Cost of printing” view page and press the “New cost” button. We select the printer from the list we created earlier and the format for which we create the price list record, enter the selling price of one copy and save the record. This is how we continue to create records until the price list is ready.

3rd step – Print records

In the navigation bar, select "Print record", press the "New print" button and go to the new print form.

Now we can register the prints themselves in the company. In the navigation bar, select “Print reports”, press the “New report” button and go to the new print form. Here we fill in the name of the user who printed, we also select the printer and the print format. The price of printing is either read from our price list (when selecting the format), or we will list our own price specific to this particular case. Using Picker, we can also assign printing to a specific job (more about using Picker in the general help Edit forms). We will finally save the print record.

On the view page “Print records” you will find an overview of all printouts, in the section “Statistics” (in the navigation bar) then a simple tabular and graphical statistics of printing costs.


The booking application is used to reserve certain company items (property) to the company's employees. Bookings are created on the basis of approved applications, while the submission of applications and the approval process are also included in the application.

1st step – Create a catalog of items for bookings

Before creating bookings, it is necessary to create a catalog of items for bookings (so that there is something to book).

a) creation of catalog item categories

In the navigation bar, click on the “Bookings” application, then on „Settings” and from there on the “Item categories” view page. We press the “New category” button and thus go to the edit form of the new category. We simply fill in the category name and save the record. After creating a sufficient number of categories, we can create items that belong to them.

b) creation of catalog items to book

In “Settings”, click on the “Items to book” view page and press the “New item” button. In the open edit form, fill in the name of the item and select from the list the category to which it belongs (we created this list of categories in the previous step). We will save the record of the item at the end. After creating all the required items, we have the catalog ready and we can move on to the booking process itself.

2nd step – Create item booking request

In the left navigation bar of the application, click on the option “New booking request”. The new booking form will open. In it, we select the booked item, enter the reason and date of the booking, fill in the applicant (by default, the logged-in user) and the booking approver. We will save the booking request at the end.

3rd step – Approving the request

The approver has now received a new booking request on the “Bookings for my approval” view page. After opening the record, he can therefore approve or reject this request by pressing the “Approve” or “Reject” button. However, even after the application is approved, it can be rejected retroactively and vice versa. Once a booking request has been approved, it will turn green in the view pages. However, further requests for bookings of the same item that interfere with the date of the already approved bookking can no longer be approved due to a collision.

Request and booking reports

The user can view his requests and approved bookings in the relevant tabular overviews, but also in several graphic calendars, which are often more suitable and clearer for the time interpretation of bookings. Within the Gantt chart or planning calendar, it is also possible to create requests for bookings for a specific item at a specific date directly by clicking on the desired day of booking in the appropriate row or column.

Log book

The log book is used to keep track of the company's fleet, the use of vehicles in journeys and to keep track of other costs incurred in connection with the operation of vehicles. It also maintains driver, journey and cost statistics and allows automatic import of journeys from the CCS iMonitor application.

1st step – Creation of the company's vehicle fleet

Before the actual registration of journeys and vehicle costs, it is necessary to create a company fleet. In the navigation bar, click on the „Log book” application, then on the „All vehicles” view page and press the „New vehicle” button. In the open form of the vehicle, we fill in all mandatory data on the first tab, or other fields and save the record. This way we will create records for all vehicles that the system should record.

2nd step – Creation of vehicle trip

In the navigation bar, click on the “New journey” option, or open the relevant vehicle record and on the “Journeys” tab, click on the “New journey” button – in this case, the journey vehicle will be automatically selected. We fill in all the required data in the journey form, or we assign the journey to a certain order using Picker (more about using Picker in the general help Edit forms). Checking the box “Purchase of fuel” will display another field for filling in data on refueling while driving. We will save the journey at the end.

3rd step – Creation of additional vehicle cost records

Through the vehicle form or the “Expenses” view page and the “New expense” button, we can create records of vehicle costs that are not related to the journeys (repairs, service inspections, etc.). After opening the expense edit form, we will fill in registration plate, type, date, description and price. We will then save the record.

Overviews of all vehicles, journeys and costs are available in the view pages of the application. The “Statistics” section (in the left navigation bar) contains view pages with simple tabular and graphical statistics of journeys and costs.

Import journeys from iMonitor

To automatically import journeys from the CCS iMonitor application, it is necessary to enter its name in the vehicle record edit form, which is used in the iMonitor application (“iMonitor” field), and save the vehicle record. Then click on the “iMonitor reprts” view page and the “New report” button on the navigation bar. The report edit form will open. Here we attach the iMonitor report in MS Excel format as an attachment and save the record. All journeys from the selected iMonitor record have now been imported into the information system.

Contents of the next article

With this article, we ended the series concerning the Organization module and at the same time the entire NET Genium ERP product. We hope that the information articles have explained its functions and that your work with the product will therefore be pleasant and hassle-free.

Sincerely, Your NetGenium Team