In a previous article NET Genium ERP – Financial statistics and planning, we completed a series of tutorials on the Finance module.

We will now focus on the Organisation module, specifically working with tasks and documents. These instructions, together with links to explanations of the terms used, can also be viewed online on the website


This application manages the tasks that are assigned to certain employees of the company to complete. Tasks can be related to a specific business account or contract. However, unlike simple tasks that can be entered in “activities” within the CRM module, these tasks contain more specification options as well as a sophisticated approval system.

1st step – Create task

In the upper gray bar, click on the application group “Organisation”. A straight page opens with a list of our current tasks. We will create a new task from the left navigation bar by clicking on the “New task” option. Fill in at least all required fields in the open task edit form. We will select the task approver, ie the person who controls the performance of the task and at the end approves the task. We set the required priority of fulfillment, deadlines, or assign the task to an existing contract or business account using Picker (more about using Picker in the general help Edit forms). In the section “Assign to users” we select the solver of the task, ie. employees to whom the task will be displayed in their tasks. We will also assign an attachment with documents for the task, at the end we can inform other users of the portal about saving our task using the option “Notify other users of this task” (more about using this function in the general help Edit forms). We will save the task at the end.

2nd step – Completing the task

When completing the task, the solvers can enter new comments for other solvers or approvers in the task using the “New comment” button. Once the task is completed, the solver switches the status to “Completed”. In case of complications, the task status can also be set to “Paused” or “Cancelled”. After saving the task, we notice that the color of the task has changed on the view page. The completed task marked by us is now marked in blue. That is, it is awaiting approval.

3rd step – Approving and completing the task

We are now stylizing ourselves as the approver of this task. Once a task has been marked as “Completed”, it will appear among the tasks for approval. After opening the task, we will therefore go to the “Approval” tab. On this tab we can either approve or reject the task. However, in the event of a rejection, we must also enter the reason for the rejection. If the task has been rejected, its status returns to “Assigned” and the solvers continue to fulfill it until they satisfy our requirements (the task can be rejected several times in a row). Once we are finally satisfied with the task, we can approve the task. In this case, the task is completed and closed, it is marked in green in the view page.

The solvers are responsible for entering a new task, but also for changes in its status, approval or rejection. the approver is always immediately informed by e-mail.


Unlike the documents of the CRM module, the Organisation module documents are not linked to individual business accounts, but have a purely internal character – they are used to share all documentation between the company's employees.

1st step – Create document types

For effective work with documents, it is advisable to first create several types of them (eg document, directive, template, etc.), into which we will then classify the newly created documents. Click on the “Documents and guidelines” application on the navigation bar, then on “Settings” and “Document types”. On the open view page, press the “New document type” button. After opening the edit form, we specify the name of the document type and select its color by clicking on the color designer icon. We will then save the document type. Once we have created the required number of types, we can proceed to the document creation process itself.

2nd step – Create document

Click on “New document” in the navigation bar and go to the document edit form. In it, we fill in all the required fields, select one of the previously created document type, the status of the document, the responsible person (the person who created the document or is responsible for it), etc. We will insert the documentation itself as attachments to the record. In the “Document rights” tab, we define the scope – select the users and user groups to whom the document record will be made available (more about setting the scope in the general help Edit forms). At the bottom of the form you will also find the option “Notify other users of this task” to send messages about saving the document to other users (more about using this function in the general help Edit forms). Finally, we save the document record.

Approval of internal documents

The Approval process described in the article Introduction to the Finance module can also be applied to internal documents and explained in more detail at page Approval.

Document reports

On the “Internal documents” view page, we now see the tree structure of our active documents, which we have the right to read. Within a tree structure, we can simply drag and drop documents within a tree to create document folders in a similar way as files are moved to folders in Windows Explorer. The next tab offers us a view of documents, including documents that are no longer active.

Contents of the next article

In the following article NET Genium ERP – Internal News and IT administration we will deal with the application for internal news and announcements and the management system of corporate hardware and software within the Organization module.

Sincerely, Your NetGenium Team.