NET Genium ERP - Cash, other receivables and payables

In the previous article NET Genium ERP – Payment orders, payments and statements we got acquainted with the procedure of generating payment orders, creating bank payments and statements within the Finance module.

We will now show you how to work with the cash register and other receivables/payables. These instructions, together with links to explanations of the terms used, can also be viewed online on the website


The cash register application is used to record movements at the cash registers and to keep track of the amount of cash.

1st step – create a movement record at the cash register

In the gray upper bar, click on the application group “Finance”, on the left navigation bar then on the application “Cash”. The view page “Cash voucher” will open, on which we will press the “New cash voucher” button. This will take you to the edit form of the new movement record at the cash register. Here we fill in all the necessary information. However, the cash register movement data, including its items, can also be easily copied from an existing cash register movement using the Picker “Create copy of” (more about using Picker in the general help Edit forms). After selecting a certain movement at the cash register, all available data will be filled in into a new movement at the cash register.

2nd step – editing the movement at the cash register

First of all, we will choose whether it is a received cash voucher or paid cash voucher. Alternatively, we will select the appropriate petty cash fund, which concerns the movement of money. We can use more than one petty cash fund (eg czech and euro). We will create petty cash fund records in the “Settings” application within the “Petty cash funds” view page. If we want to use only one cash register, however, we do not have to create any records and we will not select the petty cash fund at all in the cash register movement form. Such cash register movements will then be assigned to the cash register.

Furthermore, we can check the box “Non-tax” if it is a movement at the cash register that does not affect the economic result (for example, the transfer of cash from the cash register to a bank account).

It is also possible to create items of this movement at the cash register. Items represent specific services or products that caused the movement at the cash register. Therefore, if we decide to divide our income or outcome from the cash register into individual items, we click on the “New item” button and go to the new item form. We enter the name of the item or select it from the catalog of company products and services. In this case, the unit price of the product or service is also charged directly to the item. After any further specification and adjustment of the price and quantity of the item, we will save the item.

On the next tab “Dates” we can verify whether and when the cash flow was exported to the accounting system, on the “Settlements” tab it is possible to assign the cash flow to certain invoices using Picker and thus liquidate them.

Other receivables and payables

This application is used to record other receivables/payables and is in charge of those revenues or expenses that do not result from invoicing. Typically, these are, for example, payables to the tax office, social and health insurance payments or lease payments.

1st step – creation of other receivables/payables

On the navigation bar, click on the “Other receivables/payables” application, which will open a view page of the same name, on which we will press the “New receivables/payables” button. This will take us to the edit form for the new receivable or payable. Here we fill in all the necessary information. However, the receivables/payables data can also be easily copied from an existing receivables/payables using the “Create copy of” Picker. After selecting a certain receivable/payable, all available data will be filled in into the new receivable/payable.

2nd step – receivable/payable editing

We will choose whether it is a receivable or a payable. We can also check the “Non-tax” box if it is a receivable/payable that does not affect the economic result. We enter the name of the customer/supplier and his address, or the purpose and total price.

Settlement of other payables

On the “Dates” tab, we define the method of payment of the payable. By checking the “Mark for payment” box, the commitment will be included in the next mass order, which are created in the “Bank” application (for more information, see the Data communication help).

The settlements of other payables itself takes place in a very similar way as in the case of outgoing invoices. Paid payables are marked in green on the view pages, unpaid in red. On the “Settlements” tab, you will find a list of bank payments that liquidate the payable. Wire transfers can be created automatically using the PaymentService service. As with outgoing invoices, it is not recommended to mark payables as paid by filling in the “Paid” field. In this way, we do not change the balance of the cash register or bank account, and therefore also the cash flow statistics.

Contents of the next article

In the next article NET Genium ERP – Financial statistics and planning, we will deal with the Finance module for the last time, specifically we will look at financial statistics and financial planning.

Sincerely, Your NetGenium Team.