Česká pošta - Monitoring delivery quality

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Česká pošta - Monitoring delivery quality

System for assessing delivery quality

We provided a solution allowing complete management of postal delivery quality tests across the Czech Republic. Every quality test entails planning routes for several hundred electronic test letters covering all parts of the Czech Republic. The electronic test letters are delivered to post offices or letter boxes. Data on position and rough handling can be tracked online en route or after arrival at their destination. The NET Genium application automatically detects problem areas where the test letter remained for some time.

This solution consists of ITC806 electronic test letters, which gather and send data on their position and rough handling en route to their destination. The NET Genium application analyzes the data as it comes in and creates maps to track movement and a graph to show vibrations from rough handling. NET Genium created the delivery quality monitoring project in cooperation with Secar Bohemia a.s., which provided the electronic test letters.

Implemented functions and modules

  • Records of electronic test letters
  • Creating map of routes for letters
  • Receiving data after reaching destination or en route (online)
  • Analyzing in maps and vibration graph
  • Managing and analyzing mistakes found in delivery – steps taken to correct and prevent


The system for assessing delivery quality solution was created in cooperation with the company Secar Bohemia a.s., which supplied electronic shipments.


Basic characteristics of the company

Česká pošta, s.p. is one of the largest employers in the Czech Republic.

Field of activity:
Postal services
Solution implemented:
Online monitoring quality delivery
“We can track the position of the new electronic test letters in order to assess delivery quality in real time.”