Online software for route planning and optimization

  • Interface for managing addresses served – setting up servicing requests
  • Calculating optimal service routes and comparing different settings
  • Multi-depo optimized solution
  • Service net optimization (sales representatives, depots...)
  • Connection with driver's mobile application
  • Easy process integration for drivers to service the address
  • Customer access – B2B portal
  • Mobile application: Printed confirmation, card payment, etc.


  • Administration for regularly served addresses or batch import of served addresses for specific days
  • Access for customers who can directly monitor the status of the served addresses or create new requests in the portal
  • Creating daily delivery plans supporting time windows
  • Route calculations with different configurations and comparision
  • Issuing and reviewing travel orders in printed form or through the mobile application for drivers
  • Displaying calculated routes in maps
  • Mobile application with list of planned addresses, navigation to next stop
  • The mobile application lets you set up processes or acts to be performed by the driver at the address
  • Monitor vehicles online and status of serviced addresses

Parcel distribution

This system is often used to optimize routes when servicing randomly distributed addresses. Calculating the optimum route minimizes transport costs and expedites service. Drivers receive a printed list of addresses or they may have a mobile application with the list of addresses. The mobile application allows monitoring as well as creating processes connected with address service. For instance, a parcel can be delivered and its barcode scanned or the signature of the person accepting the parcel attached. The application also offers an online summary of the position of individual drivers and status of parcels.

  • Import of addresses for the next day
  • Optimal calculation, distribution of stop list to individual drivers
  • Collecting data about address service in the field
  • Evaluation of service for all addresses requested

Ordering collection

Another option is to use this system for ordering parcel collection from registered customers. The application works as a B2B portal in this configuration. The customer can sign in to the application and for example enter the address where a parcel should be collected one day in advance. The application puts the request into the calculation and designs an optimal route for all parcels to be collected the next day. Customers can monitor the status of their parcels online. Any parcel receipt process can be chosen in the mobile application (assigning a barcode, loading pre-prepared data on the parcel, or printing parcel receipt confirmation).

  • Customers can order service directly in the portal
  • Optimal calculation, distributing stop list to individual drivers
  • Confirmation of parcel receipt at address, printed receipt, payment...
  • Customers can check on collection